Weight Loss

We offer private individual consultations and a personalised weight loss program.

How Acupuncture Can Help Weight Loss


There are many different weight loss programs to choose from. Quick weight loss plans, fad diets, trendy diets, books, videos and programs – the list goes on and on. But it is more difficult for some people to choose the right weight loss program. Making the right choice could save your life and a fortune.

Acupuncture is one of the oldest systems of healing in the world, and a component of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Recently, acupuncture has been widely used for weight control in China and worldwide. It can lower insulin levels and lipid levels in the blood. Promote fat metabolism to lower body weight. It decreases excessive appetites and makes it easier to satisfy your hunger with less food. It decreases menopausal weight gain.  It can help the body to release endorphins which have a calming and relaxing effect that makes it easier to deal with stress, frustration and anxiety that can trigger overeating and bingeing on fattening foods. Also endorphins affect the digestive and hormonal systems so acupuncture can help rebalance the organ systems that are running too fast- or in this case too slow—i.e., the metabolism and the will-power.

Q&D Acupuncture Weight Loss Program

Experienced Chinese Medicine practitioners Qiong Di Wu will design your own personalised weight loss program based on your Chinese Pattern Diagnosis. You can lose up to 2 lbs, some even 5-7 1bs per week without feeling hungry. It’s a safe and naturally healthy way to manage your weight loss and gives long-term results. According to Qiong Di Wu’s weight loss program, it is easy to lose a stone in 4-6 weeks, 2 and a half stone in 12 weeks. This program will help you to increase energy, burn fat, detox, balance your excess or deficiency condition, lose pounds & inches, feel better than you ever have before.

Qiong Di's special acupuncture treatment program allows you to lose weight without feeling hungry, and even more energetic. No fad diets are needed. This is a natural, healthy way to manage your weight loss and gives long term results.

Read our Weight Loss Testimonials or Contact Us to discuss your personalized weight loss program.